
Nextcloud app to expose user storage as a FUSE filesystem managed by the filesystem API

Primary LanguagePHP

Files FUSE Mount


Expose a user's Nextcloud storage as a filesystem. Every reading & writing operation in this filesystem is controlled by Nextcloud and its filesystem API. This has some key benefits over direct filesystem access:

  • Shares are working
  • Flows are properly triggered
  • No rescan of file changes required

Use cases:

  • Create a pool of shared media with colleagues and family. Then mount the whole library in some external media player like Jellyfin
  • Expose a user's storage as a Samba share without worrying about consistency with Nextcloud.
  • Replace an existing WebDAV mount. Benchmarks are needed, but chances are this solution here will perform a LOT better
  • Use powerful third-party server tools for processing and organizing data and see changes immediately reflected in Nextcloud


  • Your system needs to be set up for mounting FUSE filesystems: You need the have libfuse-dev and fuse installed.
  • You need PHP 7.4+ with ext-ffi


This app has no GUI and probably won't ever need one. For now, it just ships a new CLI command called files:fuse-mount. It supports specifying one or more users and a mount point. For example, to mount a single user directory, run ./occ files:fuse-mount --user john /mnt/nextcloud-fuse/john

You can also pass multiple users. In this case the root of the mount point will contain all individual user folders as subdirectories ./occ files:fuse-mount -u john -u jane /mnt/nextcloud-fuse/john

The command will stay in the foreground as long as the mount is active. To unmount and terminate the process, use fusermount -u <MOUNTPOINT>


This a very very rudimentary implementation. It currently supports:

  • Directory listing
  • Read operations
  • Write operations
  • File deletion

So there is a lot of stuff missing that you might expect:

  • Polling (Might need to look into PHP8.1 Fibers for this one)
  • Symlinks (A limited implementation that enables sharing between users could work. Otherwise it just does not make sense to support symlinks)
  • Integration of common linux concepts like ownership/permissions and locking (where possible, correlating Nextcloud concepts are applied though)


Failed loading 'libfuse.so' Make sure your system has the required packages. On Debian for example, you need fuse and libfuse-dev

/dev/fuse not found! Check that your user has acces to that file If you're seeing the error inside a container, ensure that you are passing the /dev/fuse device into it