
Easily cache rendered menus using the Transients API.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Inpsyde Menu Cache

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Easily cache rendered menus using the Transients API.


The wp_nav_menu() function calls _wp_menu_item_classes_by_context() that again, depending on the context, calls wp_get_object_terms(), which is not cached, multiple times. With lots of taxonomies, terms and menu items, this can lead to a fair amount of (totally redundant) DB queries.

This plugin let's you cache rendered menus (assuming they don't have dynamic components) for re-use.


Install with Composer:

$ composer require inpsyde/menu-cache


This package requires PHP 5.4 or higher.


Once activated, the plugin caches all menus, by default for five minutes. The menus to be cached as well as the expiration can be customized by using the appropriate filter.


Need to customize anything? Just use the provided filters.


The inpsyde_menu_cache.expiration filter allows you to define the expiration for all cached menus. The default value is 300, which is 5 minutes.


  • int $expiration: Expiration in seconds.

Usage Example:


add_filter( 'inpsyde_menu_cache.expiration', function () {

	// Cache menus for 10 minutes.
	return 600;
} );


The inpsyde_menu_cache.key filter allows you to customize the cache key on a per-menu basis. The default value is constructed using a predfined prefix and the MD5 hash of the serialized (normalized) args object.


  • string $key: Current key.
  • object $args: Menu args.

Usage Example:


add_filter( 'inpsyde_menu_cache.key', function ( $key, $args ) {

	// Construct the key based on the theme location only.
	return "cached_menu_{$args->theme_location}";
}, 10, 2 );


The inpsyde_menu_cache.key_argument filter allows you to customize the menu argument name that is used to store the menu key (for later look-up).


  • string $key_argument: Current key argument name.

Usage Example:


add_filter( 'inpsyde_menu_cache.key_argument', function () {

	// Use a argument name with a leading underscore.
	return '_menu_key';
} );


The inpsyde_menu_cache.should_cache_menu filter allows you to customize caching on a per-menu basis.


  • bool $key: Whether or not the menu should be cached.
  • object $args: Menu args.

Usage Example:


add_filter( 'inpsyde_menu_cache.should_cache_menu', function ( $should_cache_menu, $args ) {

	// Cache all menus for a bunch of dynamically created theme locations.
	return 0 === strpos( $args->theme_location, 'some_perfix_here_' );
}, 10, 2 );


The inpsyde_menu_cache.theme_locations filter allows you to define theme locations to restrict caching menus to.


  • string|string[] $theme_locations: One or more theme locations.

Usage Example:


add_filter( 'inpsyde_menu_cache.theme_locations', function () {

	// Cache the menus for the "primary"  theme location only.
	return 'primary';
} );


Copyright (c) 2016 Inpsyde GmbH, Thorsten Frommen, David Naber

This code is licensed under the MIT License.