
Documentation about the Python API?

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I can't seem to find much documentation about the Python API. I looked in this repo and in the PAML-specification repo, but I didn't see anything. Am I missing it? Here's some examples of the type of information I'm looking for:

  • I can't find info. about which properties are arguments to class constructors. From the Google Colab notebook, I can see that the constructor for the Protocol class takes an argument:
protocol = labop.Protocol('iGEM_LUDOX_OD_calibration_2018')

Is this argument the displayId parameter described in the PAML specification?

  • I can't find info about the input_value method for the Protocol class. From the Google Colab notebook, I can guess what the arguments and their order should be, but it'd be useful to confirm my understanding.

  • I don't understand how to call the ContainerSpec constructor. Here's the call in the Colab notebook:

    """cont:ClearPlate and 
 cont:SLAS-4-2004 and
 (cont:wellVolume some 
    ((om:hasUnit value om:microlitre) and
     (om:hasNumericalValue only xsd:decimal[>= "200"^^xsd:decimal])))"""

CONT_NS = rdfl.Namespace('')
OM_NS = rdfl.Namespace('')

PREFIX_MAP = json.dumps({"cont": CONT_NS, "om": OM_NS})

spec = labop.ContainerSpec("calibration_plate", queryString=PLATE_SPECIFICATION, prefixMap=PREFIX_MAP, name='plateRequirement')

Is there documentation that describes how to invoke the constructor for different containers? In particular, it's not clear to me how to define the PLATE_SPECIFICATION.