Linked list implementation using C
- Write a program to count the number of nodes in a singly linked list.
- Write a program to search a particular value in a singly linked list.
- Write a program to insert a new node at the beginning and end of singly linked list.
- Write a program to insert a new node before a node with a particular value in a singly linked list.
- Write a program to insert a new node after a node with a particular value in a singly linked list.
- Write a program to delete the first and last node from a singly linked list.
- Write a complete program to create, display, insert and delete node of a Circular linked list.
- Write a complete program to create, display, insert and delete node of a doubly linked list.
- Write a program to simulate stack as a linked list.
- Write a program to simulate Queue as a linked list.
There are both .exe and .c file here. There are lots of palaces where improvement can be made.