This repo contains all the intellij files for the projects made in learning Spring Boot.
- Creating API's
- Connecting Database using JPA
- Databases used Postgres and OracleDB
- CRUD operations on Database
- Relationships in SQL
- Spring Security (Basic Auth and JWT tokens)
- Thymeleaf
- Swagger
THis folder contains the notes app. The app let's user create,update, delete and read the notes. It's like a regular notes app where we keep our notes.
A system to manage the book. API's to perform CRUD Operations on the books table. And a Thymeleaf page to perform CRUD operation.
Implementation of Security using Basic Auth in Spring Boot
Implementation of Security using JWT Tokens. The JWT tokens is checked OncePerRequest. Clients have a GUI interface to login and register using Thymeleaf. Some of the endpoints are open, rest all needs validation for access.