
This repo contains all the code done in class of Spring Boot.

Primary LanguageJava

Spring Boot

This repo contains all the intellij files for the projects made in learning Spring Boot.

Highlights in the project

  1. Creating API's
  2. Connecting Database using JPA
  3. Databases used Postgres and OracleDB
  4. DTO
  5. CRUD operations on Database
  6. Relationships in SQL
  7. Spring Security (Basic Auth and JWT tokens)
  8. Thymeleaf
  9. Swagger

About the directories


THis folder contains the notes app. The app let's user create,update, delete and read the notes. It's like a regular notes app where we keep our notes.


A system to manage the book. API's to perform CRUD Operations on the books table. And a Thymeleaf page to perform CRUD operation.

Spring Security


Implementation of Security using Basic Auth in Spring Boot


Implementation of Security using JWT Tokens. The JWT tokens is checked OncePerRequest. Clients have a GUI interface to login and register using Thymeleaf. Some of the endpoints are open, rest all needs validation for access.