
Final Project of React Training Course

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Frontend Point of Sale application built with:

This application has the following sections:

1) Login Page

Login Screen

2) Dashboard Page

Dachboard Screen

Site Features

1) User roles

This provides two roles that can be assigned to the user

- Admin

Has access to all the sections, with create, edit and remove privilege

- Cashier

Has access to only Dashboard, Product and Transaction page

2) User Section

  • Create, Edit, Remove and Provide roles (Admin / Cashier) to new and existing users
  • Search sort user list based on name, role, newest, oldest and last active

3) Category, Product Lists Section

  • Search, the sort option
  • Create, update and remove

4) Transaction Section

  • Add to cart
  • Increase Quantity of products put in the cart
  • Presenting products on category based
  • Make transactions

5) Reports Section

  • Check old transactions
  • Print transaction receipt

6) Settings and Account Section (Provided on Header Bar)

  • Change store name, discount on products and tax
  • Update account info

Few important things provided

1) Displaying validation report

2) Displaying server message on backend side errors

3) Displaying system errors



  • Install npm
  • Go to front end directory
  • Enter the following command to install node modules and start the local server
npm install
npm start


  • Need to install MongoDB COMMUNITY EDITION and MongoDB compass. Click this link to see instructions to install on different OS. LINK
  • Once both get installed open MongoDB compass and click connect button
  • Go to the backend folder inside the project folder and run the following command
npm install
npm start
  • You can access the dashboard with the following credentials

Username: cashieadmin Password: cashieadmin

After running the Frontend, if the site didn't display automatically on the default browser, then enter the following link in a new tab:
