
web-project-adeledsg created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageCSS

Review Assignment Due Date

This repository contains all the files necessary for a online Jigsaw Puzzle game. The website can be found at:


This online game was made in the context of a homework assignment and is not for commercial use. It is submitted along a report via Turnitin.

File content

The following HTML and Javascript files are used to create the game:

File Content
index.html Landing page
puzzle1.html Game 1 - 2x2 Puzzle
puzzle2.html Game 2 - 3x3 Puzzle
puzzle3.html Game 3 - 4x4 Puzzle
interactive1.js Javascript for Puzzle 1
interactive2.js Javascript for Puzzle 2
interactive13.js Javascript for Puzzle 3

Additionally, a global stylesheet entitled style.css is used to set styles for all four HTML pages above.

Detailed comments providing explanation on implementation details, the files' structure, and references are mainly included in interactive1.js and style.CSS. As interactive2.js and intercative3.js follow the exact same logic, no further comments have been provided.

All images (individual puzzle pieces) can be found in either the puzzle1, puzzle2, or puzzle3 folder.