
Assembler and simulator for a 8 Bit Computer made in CircuitGrid

Primary LanguagePython


Assembler and simulator for a 8 Bit Computer made in CircuitGrid
Computer layout and some example programs demonstrated in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xGdsyXCmmoE


Everything after a # is a comment.

# this is a comment

Operands can be constants, variables(&) or pointer(*):

# Example for constant: 
x = 69  #set x to 69

# Example for variable: 
x = &y  #set x to the value in y

# Example for pointer: 
x = *y  #set x to the value in the address stored in y

Operations can't be concatenated!

x = 1 + 3 + 5 #not okay :(

x = 1 + 3 #okay :)
x = &x + 5 #okay :)

if &x + 1 == 2 #not okay :(

The Preprocessor replaces all variables with their addresses. So this...

var x 0
var y 1

x = y
&x = 2

...will be converted to this...

0 = 1
&0 = 2

which will set the value in address 0 to 1
and sets the value in the address, which is stored at address 0, to 2.
After execution address 0 has value 1 and address 1 has value 2

Labels can be defined with a colon

JUMP main

If conditions run the next indented scope if the condition is true.
Indentations have to be Tabs!

if &x >= 2
    #do something
    y = 1 + 1

Checking user input:
Example for USER_IN if condition:

    #do something


Keyword Description Example
var declares a variable and its address var x 0
END ends the program END
JUMP jump to a label JUMP main
SWAP updates the screen with the last 32 bytes in RAM SWAP
SHOW displays the given value SHOW &x
DEBUG pauses the execution (Breakpoint) DEBUG
<< bitshift left x = &y << 3
>> bitshit right x = &y >> 3
= assigns a value x = 42
+ adds two values x = &x + &y
- subtracts two values x = &x - &y
* multiplies two values x = &x * &y
/ divides two values x = &x / &y
% modulo operation x = &x % 2
not bitwise NOT x = not &y
| bitwise OR x = 12 | 6
!| bitwise NOR x = 12 !| 6
^ bitwise XOR x = 12 ^ 6
!^ bitwise XNOR x = 12 !^ 6
& bitwise AND x = 12 & 6
!& bitwise NAND x = 12 !& 6
popcnt gets the number of ones in value x = popcnt 69
if checks a condition if &x != 2
if checks user input if USER_IN == UP

Some example scripts are in "computer simulator/code_archive"

Errors from compilation dont always make sense because i didn't bother to write error-handeling for every case