
Rating Product & Sorting Reviews in Amazon

Amazon, an American multinational technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. They will increase their sales, while customers will complete their purchasing journey without any problems by providing correct calculation of the points given to the products after sales and correct ordering of the comments given to the products.

Process Steps

  • Calculating weighted average of score by date (time period)
  • Calculating score_pos_neg_diff, score_average_rating
  • Calculation wilson_lower_bound scores
  • Sorting the first 20 comments by wilson_lower_bound


Short Descriptions of the Given Features:

  • reviewerID: user ID
  • asin: product ID
  • reviewerName: user name
  • helpful: useful rating
  • reviewText: comment
  • overall: product rating
  • summary: review summary
  • unixReviewTime: review time
  • reviewTime: review time raw
  • day_diff: number of days since assessment
  • helpful_yes: the number of times the evaluation was found useful
  • total_vote: the number of votes given to the evaluation