This small fabric mod allows you to have more special names to give to mobs (like "Dinnerbone").
Download .jar
file from
Put the file in mod folder
Rename mobs with special nametags to get special results:
Names | Description | NBT analogy |
freeze noai congela congelato |
Mob will no longer move and you will not be able to hit him. | {NoAI:true,Invulnerable:true} |
unfreeze ai scongela scongelato |
Mob will move normally and you will be able to hit him again. | {NoAI:false,Invulnerable:false} |
silent silenzia muta mutato |
Mob will no longer emit sounds. | {Silent:true} |
unsilent smuta smutato |
Mob will emit sounds normally. | {Silent:false} |
baby cucciolo bambino |
Mob will stay in baby form. | {IsBaby:true,Age:-24000} (age restored to -24000 every 12000 ticks) |
unbaby adult adulto |
Mob will grow up. | {IsBaby:false,Age:0} |
gravity gravitĂ |
Mob will be affected by gravity. | {NoGravity:false} |
nogravity ungravity floating fluttuante |
Mob will no longer be affected by gravity. | {NoGravity:true} |
invulnerable invulnerabile |
Mob will be immune to not-creative damage. | {Invulnerable:true} |
vulnerable vulnerabile |
Mob will be able to take damage. | {Invulnerable:false} |
noname unname nonome |
Mob will no longer have custom name, but without be able to despawn. | {CustomName:'""'} |
killer rabbit |
Rabbit will convert into Evil variant. | {RabbitType:99} |
nozombification nozombificazione |
Piglin or Hoglin will no longer zombificate in Overworld. | {IsImmuneToZombification:true} |
zombification zombificazione |
Piglin or Hoglin will be able to zombificate in Overworld. | {IsImmuneToZombification:false} |
johnny |
Vindicator will stay in Evil state even if renamed. | {Johnny:true} |
unjohhny |
Vindicator state is set to default one. | {Johnny:false} |
noclip |
Mob will not collide with blocks. (If he is affected by gravity, he will fall through blocks) | Not accessible through NBTs |
clip |
Mob will normally collide with blocks. | No accessible through NBTs |
sit seduto |
Mob will sit on the ground. | Give gb.sitted tag to mob, summon an invisible armor_stand with gb.sitted.armor_stand and the mob will ride it |
sleep sdraiato |
Mob will lay down on the floor. | Give gb.is_sleeping tag to mob, {SleepingX:${X},SleepingY:${Y},SleepingZ:${Z}} every gametick. |
unsleep unsit alzato |
Mob will stand normally. | Remove gb.sitted and sb.is_sleeping tags to mob, mobs unmounts the veicle. |