
  • What it does: Inspiration This year during the Google KeyNote IO 2017, The story of Tania was shown and how google made products for specially abled people and used Morse Code to help them in engaging in everyday activities. This inspired us to make a product for such special people so that the power of morse code can be used to change channels on a television.
  • What it does: This product converts eye blinks into morse code and then changes channels according to the pattern entered.
  • How we built it: We used Google Vision to recognize the eyes of the person.Then depending on the pattern of the blinks, The morse code is converted into a number and then this is used to change the channel.
  • Challenges we ran into: The biggest challenge which came was the proper identification of eye blinks.
  • Built With:
    • android
    • google-vision
    • python
    • javascript
    • java
    • firebase
    • html5
    • css
  • Video Link to DEMO!