
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram-Chef-Bot (Ruby Capstone Project)

Chefo The Chef Bot

A Telegram Bot that recommends recipes of a chosen category.

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Live Demo

  • It's depolyed HERE on Heroku

Built With

  • Ruby
  • telegram-bot-ruby gem
  • Telegram's BotFather
  • RSpec
  • Nokogiri
  • httparty

Getting Started

Creating the bot - Having the token

  • The first step in creating our bot is to talk to the BotFather.
  • Open Telegram app
  • Type in the search form BotFather.
  • Hit the start button which will display a list of commands that we can use to interact with the BotFather.
  • Let’s create our bot using the command /newbot.
  • Now we have to register for a username, note: it must end in bot.
  • Command /token will give us an API token to access our bot through HTTPS. (We will use it later)

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.


  • Install Ruby
  • From terminal or cmd type gem install rspec


Clone the repository

  • Click on the "code" button above in this page and copy the link of the repository
  • From terminal or cmd type type git clone and paste the link you copied in the previous step, then hit Enter
  • Go to the cloned repository using cd command


  • Run bundle install to install the required gems in your computer
  • Type export TOKEN=+ the token value we got form BotFather
  • From within the directory of the project, type ruby bin/bot to run the exectuable file and hit Enter


  • Open Telegram app
  • Search Chefo_recipes_bot or your bot's name
  • Click on the Start button or type /start to initialize the bot.
  • Type /suggest to get a recommendation of a book. You can choose from the categories listed: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinners, Appetizer and Snacks, Salads, Deserts etc...
  • Type /help to see the list of available commands
  • Use CTRL + C in your terminal to stop the bot

Run tests

From the root folder, run rspec to run the tests


👤 Bishoy Samwel Faheem

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.