
This project is a typing practice web-app, that helps you improve your speed by typing quotes and keeping a track of your speed.

Tech stack

  • HTML, CSS, Javascript, firebase, socket.io

How to contribute

  • Check the issues to work or create new issue.
  • fork the repo make changes
  • make pull request

    For now changes in the html and css files are allowed only. For more info join discord (link below)

Project structure

│   .firebaserc
│   .gitignore
│   firebase.json
│   package-lock.json
│   package.json
│   README.md
│   webpack.config.js
│   └───workflows
│           actions.yml
│       getText.js
│       index.js
│       package-lock.json
│       package.json
│       race.js
│       user.js
│   │   base.css
│   │   bundle.js
│   │   index.html
│   │   style.css
│   │
│   └───assets
│           icon.svg
│           loading.gif
│           text-logo.svg
    │   script.js
    │       *.js
    │       *.js
    │       *.js
    │       *.js
