- balhyo-younjisangSeoul Digitech Highschool
- Bisi3asiSouth Korea, rep of
- bkko94
- chrios77
- cst9221prediction
- darkmyuRepublic of Korea
- doonghui서울과학기술대학교
- downpoolKorea, Rep.
- ehdbs28Awesomepiece
- hagd0520
- HamTory06대구소프트웨어마이스터고등학교
- hanseo0507@zaikorea
- hyeg0121미림마이스터고
- itonse
- JamkrisBusan SoftWare Meister High School
- JoonHoSeong
- jungjinbeomHumax
- jxmenSeoul, Republic of Korea
- kamothiSeoul/Korea
- KissShot1104
- laphayen
- leedoheon98
- pnudpwls1103Seoul
- ppusdaRepublic of Korea
- sam971114
- sehee210
- seongyunleeSKKU
- seunghojeong01
- slg1119@SKYVENTURES-Dev
- surplus-dev
- suw0n@Team-B1ND
- wlals1126KCD
- wlstmd@GBSWHS
- yengniws
- yju0808Software Maestro 14th
- zzangjyj0818Sangmyung univ.