C++ code using OpenCV to detect colors using image processing methods
This project was developed with the idea of uploading it onto a quadcopter. Although the implementation on a quadcopter has not been completed, we are working our hardest to get it up and "flying".
We use the OpenCV Library available for windows, mac and android at: http://opencv.org/ 1.1. A setup for OpenCV on windows is outlined at: http://kevinhughes.ca/tutorials/opencv-install-on-windows-with-codeblocks-and-mingw/
Once that is working, download the code found in the "Red Detect" folder and run it in CodeBlocks.
The main part of the code deals with:
3.1. Obtaining a camera view from a specified camera.
3.2. Converting the RGB scheme to HSV to be able to better separate colors.
3.3. Thresholding a camera feed between two chosen colors.
3.4. Removing noise from images.
3.5. Determining the center of the chosen colored object.
3.6. Tracking it in real-time to provide location for a quadcopter or any mobile robot to follow.