
"This is the repo that helped me fix the wlan0 wifi issue when I switched my MacBook to Kali Linux" compat-wireless-2010-06-26



Use this file when you are trying to run aircrack-ng, airmon-ng, and iwconfig on your Kali Linux VM from a Macbook localhost.

Problem this solves:

I'm running Kali Linux in VirtualBox on a macbook.

Trying to test wifi security tools like aircrack-ng, airmon-ng, and iwconfig but there is no wlan0 network (because of Macbook hardware)

How to use:

  • Download this file to your Kali Linux box and cd to its location

  • tar -xjvf compact-wireless-2010–06–26-p.tar.bz2

  • cd compat-wireless-2010–06–26-p

  • make load

Verify it's working correctly

  • ifconfig # should show you wlan0 and wlan1

  • iwconfig # should show you your wireless networks