- 1
Unable to install secp256k1 on Windows PHP 7
#166 opened by nathanielajayi7 - 0
Publish on PECL
#163 opened by jasny - 2
PHP8 Install Error
#162 opened by in3rsha - 0
error callbacks
#154 opened by afk11 - 0
secp256k1_ecdsa_sign: should support noncefp and ndata
#152 opened by afk11 - 2
secp256k1_ecdh.h No such file or directory
#130 opened by huigan - 1
Add valgrind run to CI
#139 opened by afk11 - 9
- 1
Installation Error
#135 opened by ALIENreal - 7
memleak in secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize
#131 opened by flgh - 1
- 1
- 1
PHP 7.2 doesn't work
#126 opened by AdamSEY - 1
Automatically generate stubs
#96 opened by afk11 - 1
- 1
- 1
secp256k1_ec_pubkey_serialize - fix API
#94 opened by afk11 - 1
secp256k1_ecdsa_verify: don't copy & normalize
#70 opened by afk11 - 1
#123 opened by tianheng2017 - 2
How to generate private key?
#108 opened by yupnano - 2
130 char long public key
#107 opened by etienneroudeix - 1
- 2
The tests take forever to start..
#6 opened by afk11 - 0
Clean up API, should match libsecp256k1
#30 opened by afk11 - 1
Track code coverage
#77 opened by afk11 - 1
Write simple test.php files
#60 opened by afk11 - 1
Critical: tests fail on php7.1/7.2
#62 opened by afk11 - 21
Secp256k1 failed to parse public key
#37 opened by dan-da - 1
error in benchmark.php
#36 opened by dan-da - 3
When will this project support PHP7?
#45 opened by realpg - 1
Installation Error
#53 opened by why7e - 4
Add DESTDIR support
#34 opened by AliceWonderMiscreations - 0
- 5
Talk to bitcoin core?
#20 opened by flip111