
BnpParibas Mercanet payment gateway for Sylius based applications.

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Mercanet BNP Paribas Plugin for Sylius

Slack Support

At BitBag we do believe in open source. However, we are able to do it just because of our awesome clients, who are kind enough to share some parts of our work with the community. Therefore, if you feel like there is a possibility for us working together, feel free to reach us out. You will find out more about our professional services, technologies and contact details at https://bitbag.io/.

Table of Content


This plugin allows you to integrate Mercanet BNP Paribas payment system with Sylius platform app.

We are here to help

This open-source plugin was developed to help the Sylius community and make Mercanet BNP Paribas payments platform available to any Sylius store. If you have any additional questions, would like help with installing or configuring the plugin or need any assistance with your Sylius project - let us know!



We work on stable, supported and up-to-date versions of packages. We recommend you to do the same.

Package Version
PHP ^7.1
Sylius 1.0

$ composer require bitbag/mercanet-bnp-paribas-plugin

Add plugin dependencies to your AppKernel.php file:

public function registerBundles()
    return array_merge(parent::registerBundles(), [
        new \BitBag\MercanetBnpParibasPlugin\BitBagMercanetBnpParibasPlugin(),


Go to the payment methods in your admin panel. Now you should be able to add new payment method for Mercanet BNP Paribas gateway.


$ wget http://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
$ php composer.phar install
$ yarn install
$ yarn run gulp
$ php bin/console sylius:install --env test
$ php bin/console server:start --env test
$ open http://localhost:8000
$ bin/behat features/*
$ bin/phpspec run

About us

BitBag is an agency that provides high-quality eCommerce and Digital Experience software. Our main area of expertise includes eCommerce consulting and development for B2C, B2B, and Multi-vendor Marketplaces. The scope of our services related to Sylius includes:

  • Consulting in the field of strategy development
  • Personalized headless software development
  • System maintenance and long-term support
  • Outsourcing
  • Plugin development
  • Data migration

Some numbers regarding Sylius:

  • 20+ experts including consultants, UI/UX designers, Sylius trained front-end and back-end developers,
  • 100+ projects delivered on top of Sylius,
  • Clients from 20+ countries
  • 3+ years in the Sylius ecosystem.

If you need some help with Sylius development, don't be hesitate to contact us directly. You can fill the form on this site or send us an e-mail to hello@bitbag.io!


For online communication, we invite you to chat with us & other users on Sylius Slack.

Demo Sylius shop

We created a demo app with some useful use-cases of plugins! Visit b2b.bitbag.shop to take a look at it. The admin can be accessed under https://b2b.bitbag.shop/admin/login link and sylius: sylius credentials. Plugins that we have used in the demo:

BitBag's Plugin GitHub Sylius' Store
ACL PLugin Private. Available after the purchasing. https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/access-control-layer-plugin/
Braintree Plugin https://github.com/BitBagCommerce/SyliusBraintreePlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/braintree-plugin/
CMS Plugin https://github.com/BitBagCommerce/SyliusCmsPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/cmsplugin/
Elasticsearch Plugin https://github.com/BitBagCommerce/SyliusElasticsearchPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/2004/
Mailchimp Plugin https://github.com/BitBagCommerce/SyliusMailChimpPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/mailchimp/
Multisafepay Plugin https://github.com/BitBagCommerce/SyliusMultiSafepayPlugin
Wishlist Plugin https://github.com/BitBagCommerce/SyliusWishlistPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/wishlist-plugin/
Sylius' Plugin GitHub Sylius' Store
Admin Order Creation Plugin https://github.com/Sylius/AdminOrderCreationPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/admin-order-creation-plugin/
Invoicing Plugin https://github.com/Sylius/InvoicingPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/invoicing-plugin/
Refund Plugin https://github.com/Sylius/RefundPlugin https://plugins.sylius.com/plugin/refund-plugin/

If you need an overview of Sylius' capabilities, schedule a consultation with our expert.

Additional resources for developers

To learn more about our contribution workflow and more, we encourage ypu to use the following resources:


This plugin's source code is completely free and released under the terms of the MIT license.


If you want to contact us, the best way is to fill the form on our website or send us an e-mail to hello@bitbag.io with your question(s). We guarantee that we answer as soon as we can!