
The Enjin is an application development assistant to make cross platform coding simpler and more fun. The enjin is meant to be completely opt-in, not required but will make your life easier.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Madness Enjin CLI v1.1.13

The Enjin is an application development assistant to make cross platform coding simpler and more fun. The enjin is meant to be completely opt-in, not required but will make your life easier.


To install the enjin just run the command below in your terminal. Once you do, you will be able to use the new commands with the enjin command.

npm install -g madnessenjin



  • REPO - Link to git repo you are cloning (If using github you can use user/repo format)
  • NAME - The name of the application / folder
  • --EDITOR / -e - (Optional) The code editor to open your project in (code = VS Code, code-insiders = VS Code Insiders)
  • --REPO / -r - (Optional) The git remote repo you would like to make the origin

This will clone the repo and then run npm install for you. You can use short links for GitHub, like MadnessLabs/Animadness. You can also pass in credentials for private repos in the short link style using the convention, user:password@MadnessLabs/Animadness. The optional flags let you open your favorite code editor and hook your project to a git remote like Github with the same short linking.


enjin start <REPO> <NAME> -e [EDITOR] -r [REPO]

enjin start ionic-team/stencil-starter MyStencilApp -e code -r MyGithub/MyNewApp

add component (ac - for shorthand)

  • NAME - The name of the component (Must contain a -)
  • --PROPS / -p (Optional) - The props you wish to use inside your new component (Comma separated and : to set types)


enjin add component <NAME> -p [PROPS...]

enjin ac your-name -p first:string,last:string

remove component (rc - for shorthand)

  • NAME - The name of the component (Must contain a -)

This will create a new component folder with an SCSS and TSX file with props passed. It will read end edit your stencil.config.js as well.


enjin remove component <NAME>

enjin rc your-name


  • WITH [package / prompts] (Optional) - To create your enjin file with package or prompts

This will create an enjin.json in the current directory using either prompts or a package.json file.


enjin init [WITH]


  • [NAME] - The name of the environment

This will create an environment (enjin.[NAME].json) file in the directory.


enjin env [NAME]