- 0
SDK Transaction Builder
#4722 opened by bhavidhingra - 2
- 7
- 1
- 1
USDC support for test purposes
#4835 opened by generalAO - 0
Add USDT Jetton to statics
#4740 opened by bhavidhingra - 0
TON Token Transaction Builder
#4742 opened by bhavidhingra - 0
Add tokens support in TON SDK
#4741 opened by bhavidhingra - 0
Add Deepbook to statics
#4720 opened by bhavidhingra - 0
Add tokens support in SUI SDK
#4721 opened by bhavidhingra - 4
- 0
- 0
Priority Fee for Send Transactions - Stucked
#4612 opened by bobozarb - 2
- 3
Unable to generate custodial wallet.
#4186 opened by PreetamEnverx - 2
Can't get address from the Public key in Zcash
#4222 opened by polartar - 2
Issues when using eCash (XEC) with big values
#4353 opened by miguilimzero - 2
Signing Prebuilt PSBTs #3
#4520 opened by Polybius93 - 2
SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
#4199 opened by HaykSahakyan - 7
Signing Prebuilt PSBTs #2
#4510 opened by Polybius93 - 6
Signing Prebuilt PSBTs
#4483 opened by Polybius93 - 2
Cannot find example to send ERC 20 token transaction
#3804 opened by eduarddriessen1 - 7
Cannot find module 'node:crypto'
#3725 opened by pgtestuser2614 - 2
- 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#4257 opened by bitgo-renovate-bot - 2
"items must be object, received item of type: string" at whitelisting an address
#3928 opened by Antuan03 - 1
Error on account consolidation
#4096 opened by pplanel - 0
Security issue: replace non-secure cryptography
#4157 opened by paulmillr - 0
Note status of vulnerabilities regarding Threshold Signature Scheme, TSSHOCK and CVE-2023-33241
#4155 opened by pad01g - 2
ReferenceError: window is not defined
#4060 opened by dcmwong - 1
Problem with a dependency that has malicious code
#4047 opened by infra-membrane - 0
- 0
Unable to resolve "@brandonblack/musig/base_crypto" from "../../node_modules/@bitgo/utxo-lib/dist/src/noble_ecc.js"
#4008 opened by Mustafa-Agha - 6
How to perform trades?
#3870 opened by gndelia - 2
error UnsupportedCoinError: Coin or token type BTC not supported or not compiled. Please be sure that you are using the latest version of BitGoJS. If using @bitgo/sdk-api, please confirm you have registered BTC first. at CoinFactory.getInstance (c:\Program Files\nodejs\Bitgo-Custodial-Wallet-API\node_modules\@bitgo\sdk-core\dist\src\bitgo\coinFactory.js:51:15) at BitGo.coin (c:\Program Files\nodejs\Bitgo-Custodial-Wallet-API\node_modules\bitgo\dist\src\bitgo.js:35:38)
#3466 opened by bherdeshamal - 1
- 2
Error depending
#3878 opened by d-lukutin - 0
Faucet for testnet tokens
#3746 opened by roks0n - 1
smartbit broken api
#3707 opened by grapevine2383 - 0
About ZCash Mainnet Transaction Creation and Signing
#3639 opened by fbycl - 1
TRON USDT tranfer doesn't work
#3576 opened by Timileyin105 - 4
Wallets that were created using the generate Wallet method are not displayed in UI
#3569 opened by arg2u - 1
- 0
Remove dead drone config from repo
#3554 opened by therealdwright - 0
Security issue: Insecure cryptography is used
#3545 opened by paulmillr - 0
- 0
eCash testnet addresses are assigned the wrong prefix
#3163 opened by BytesOfMan - 1
error Error: expecting enterprise when adding BitGo key. If you want to create a new ETH bitgo key, set the newFeeAddress parameter to true.
#3465 opened by bherdeshamal - 2
- 0
Issue with ESM mode
#3149 opened by HaykSahakyan