
Command line tool for TON OS

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TON OS command line tool

tonos-cli is a command line interface utility designed to work with TON blockchain.


  • Rust >= 1.43.x installed

How to build

cargo update
cargo build [--release] [-j8]

How to test

cargo test -- --test-threads 1

How to run


cargo run [subcommand args]


> cd ./target/release

> ./tonos-cli [subcommand args]

How to use

By default, tonos-cli connects to https://net.ton.dev network.

Crypto commands:

1) Generate seed phrase

tonos-cli genphrase

2) Generate pubkey from seed phrase

tonos-cli genpubkey

3) Generate keyfile from seed phrase

tonos-cli getkeypair <keyfile.json> "<seed_phrase>"

Query commands:

1) Get global config

tonos-cli getconfig <index>

Smart contract commands:

1) Generate Contract Address

tonos-cli genaddr [--genkey|--setkey <keyfile.json>] <tvc> <abi>

Example: tonos-cli genaddr --genkey wallet_keys.json wallet.tvc wallet.abi.json

wallet_keys.json file will be created with new keypair.

2) Deploy Smart Contract

tonos-cli deploy [--sign <keyfile>] [--wc <int8>] [--abi <abifile>] <tvc> <params> 

Example: tonos-cli deploy --abi wallet.abi.json --sign wallet_keys.json wallet.tvc {param1:0}

If --abi or --sign option is omitted in parameters it must present in config file. See below.

3) Call Method

Call contract in blockchain:

tonos-cli call [--abi <abi_file>] [--sign <keyfile>] <address> <method> <params>

If --abi or --sign option is omitted in parameters, it must be specified in the config file. See below for more details.

Alternative command:

tonos-cli callex <method> [<address>] [<abi>] [<keys>] params...

params... - one or more function arguments in the form of --name value.

address, abi, and keys parameters can be omitted. In this case default values will be used from config file.


tonos-cli callex submitTransaction 0:1b91c010f35b1f5b42a05ad98eb2df80c302c37df69651e1f5ac9c69b7e90d4e SafeMultisigWallet.abi.json msig.keys.json --dest 0:c63a050fe333fac24750e90e4c6056c477a2526f6217b5b519853c30495882c9 --value 1.5T --bounce false --allBalance false --payload ""

Integer and address types can be supplied without quotes.

--value 1.5T - suffix T converts integer to nanotokens -> 1500000000. The same as --value 1500000000.

Arrays can be used without [] brackets.

Run contract method locally:

tonos-cli run [--abi <abi_file>] <address> <method> <params>

If --abi option is omitted in parameters, it must be specified in the config file. See below for more details.

Run funC get-method:

tonos-cli runget <address> <method> [<params>...]

params can have multiple values: one for each function parameter. Example:

tonos-cli runget -1:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 compute_returned_stake 0x4107f968dc3caf85c2aa4e7d1b842d835d743855f62afe87e5862012be3eff4f

tonos-cli runget -1:3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 active_election_id

4) Generate signed message

tonos-cli message [--abi <abi_file>] [--sign <keyfile>] <address> <method> <params> [--lifetime <seconds>] [--raw] [--output <file_name>]

Generates external inbound message for account and prints it to terminal or stores to file.

--raw - generates raw boc message. Can be sent later using sendfile command. --output - saves generates message to specified file instead of printing it to the terminal. Other parameters are the same as in call command.

5) Send prepared message

tonos-cli send [--abi <abi_file>] <message>

Allows to send message generated by message command without --raw flag.

6) Send raw boc message

tonos-cli sendfile <msg_file>

Allows to send external message serialized as bag of cells and stored in specified msg_file.

7) Store Parameter Values in the Configuration File

tonos-cli can remember some parameter values and use it automatically in all subcommands.

tonos-cli config [--url <url>] [--abi <abifile>] [--keys <keysfile>]

Example: tonos-cli config --url https://main.ton.dev --abi wallet.abi.json --keys wallet_keys.json

After that you can omit --abi and --sign parameters in deploy, call and run subcommands and cli by default will connect to main.ton.dev network.

config command creates config file in current working directory which will be used by cli at every start. To override searching config file in current dir use the following methods:

  • define environment variable TONOSCLI_CONFIG with path to your config file;
  • define global option --config <path_to_file> before any other subcommand (example: tonos-cli --config ../config.json call ...).

Global option has higher priority than env variable.

Also you can explicitly define network in every subcommand by using global option --url <network> (example: tonos-cli --url https://main.ton.dev account <address>).

8) Get Account Info

tonos-cli account <address>

Example: tonos-cli account 0:c63a050fe333fac24750e90e4c6056c477a2526f6217b5b519853c30495882c9

Sample Test Sequence

Task scope: deploy a contract to TON Labs testnet at net.ton.dev.

1) compile contract and get .tvc file and .abi.json. Lets name it contract.tvc.

2) generate contract address.

tonos-cli genaddr contract.tvc --genkey contract_keys.json

Save Raw address printed to stdout.

3) Ask the testnet giver for Grams.

Note: You have to get giver address, abi and keys.

Let's request 10 Grams to our account.

tonos-cli call --abi giver.abi.json --sign giver_keys.json <giver_address> sendTransaction {"dest":"<our_address>","value":10000000000,"bounce":false}

4) Get our contract state, check that it is created in blockchain and has the Uninit state.

tonos-cli account <raw_address>

5) Deploy our contract to the testnet.

tonos-cli deploy --abi contract.abi.json --sign contract_keys.json contract.tvc {<constructor_arguments>}

6) Check the contract state.

tonos-cli account <raw_address>

The contract should be in the Active state.

7) Use the call subcommand to execute contract methods in blockchain.

tonos-cli call --abi contract.abi.json --sign contract_keys.json <raw_address> methodName {<method_args>}

DePool commands

Tonos-cli allows to communicate with depool contract using multisignature wallet. All depool commands are started with tonos-cli depool .

For all commands:

--addr - address of depool. --wallet - address of multisig wallet. --sign - path to keyfile or seed phrase of multisig wallet.

All commands allow to omit --addr, --wallet and --sign options only if this values are defined in config file:

tonos-cli config --addr <address> --wallet <address> --keys <path_to_keys or seed_phrase>

Deposit stakes

all --value parameters must be defined in tons, like this: --value 10.5, it means value is 10,5 tons.

1) Ordinary stake

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] stake ordinary [--wallet <msig_address>] --value <number> [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]

2) Vesting stake

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] stake vesting [--wallet <msig_address>] --value <number> --total <days> --withdrawal <days> --beneficiary <address> [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]

3) Lock stake

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] stake lock [--wallet <msig_address>] --value <number> --total <days> --withdrawal <days> --beneficiary <address> [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]

Remove stakes

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] stake remove [--wallet <msig_address>] --value <number> [--from-round <number>] [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]

Transfer stakes

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] stake transfer [--wallet <msig_address>] --value <number> --dest <address> [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]

Enable/disable withdraw

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] withdraw on | off [--wallet <msig_address>] [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]

View depool events

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] events [--since <utime>]

Prints depool events since defined unixtime. if --since is omitted then prints all depool events.

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] events --wait-one

Waits until new event will be emitted and then prints it to the stdout.

Replenish contract balance

Transfers funds from the multisignature wallet to the depool contract (NOT A STAKE).

tonos-cli depool [--addr <depool_address>] replenish --value <number> [--wallet <msig_address>] [--sign <key_file or seed_phrase>]