Layers Theme PluginExample

Welcome to the example theme which will help you to convert your Layers team to a proper plugin which can be used with the Layers Manager app since version 4.0

If you want to learn what a plugin overlay is and how to use it, have a look at the Wiki found here

The current plugin Version is 3.0 which was released on the fourteenth of November 2015.

  • Whats new in Version 3.0?

    • Remove shared userId since it wasn´t necessary
    • Overlays are recognized auomatically --> no need to declare them anymore
    • Ability to add different styles/colors/versions to single Overlays
  • Whats new in Version 1.1?

    • Easier adoption for new themers:
    • Move most of the changes a themer has to make from android manifest to strings.xml
    • Split the Layers_OverlayNames into NormalOverlaynames and StyleSpecificoverlayNames
    • New recommended screenshot height: 750px (to prevent the layers Manager app from crashing on Low Memory devices)
    • A new documentation on how to make a Plugin Overlay
  • Whats new in Version 1.0?

    • Initial Release

How to use Plugin Version 3.0 or greater: