
An AWESOME desktop Gist client based on Electron.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Create Search
Screenshot Screenshot
Command + N Shift + Space

Lepton is a lean GitHub Gist Desktop Client based on Electron.

  • Group your gists by languages
  • Create/Edit/Delete gists
  • Instant search
  • Cross-platform support

Build Status js-standard-style Dependency Status MIT Licensed

Based on

Based on

  1. Framework: Electron
  2. Bundler: Webpack, Babel, electron-builder
  3. Language: ES2015, Sass
  4. Library: React, Redux, Redux Thunk, Redux Form
  5. Lint: ESLint



Clone the repository.

$ git clone git@github.com:hackjutsu/Lepton.git

Install the dependencies.

$ cd Lepton && npm i

Client ID/Secret

Register your application, and put your client id and client secret in ./configs/account.js.

module.exports = {
  client_id: <your_client_id>,
  client_secret: <your_client_secret>


$ npm run pack
$ npm run start

Build Installer App

Read electron-builder docs and checkout Code Signing before building the installer app.

Build app for macOS.

$ npm run dist -- -m

Build app for Windows.

$ npm run dist -- -w

Build app for Linux.

$ npm run dist -- -l

Build app for macOS, Windows and Linux.

$ npm run dist -- -wml

Build app for the current OS with the current arch.

$ npm run dist


MIT © hackjutsu