
Generate stylish markdown/html tables based JSON.

Primary LanguageTcl

Project Markdown/HTML Table Generator

The Project Markdown/HTML Table Generator reads project data from projects.json and generates stylish markdown/html tables. Check out a sample here.

Run the script

python ./scripts/md_table_generator.py


  • OutstandingProjects.md: a markdown file containing all tables
  • <category_1>.html: a html table file containing the projects in category_1
  • <category_2>.html: a html table file containing the projects in category_2
  • ...

Note: Code only tested on OSX with python pre-installed.


The projects.json should be in the same folder as md_table_generator.py and provide properties name, category, project_url, team, description, stack as shown below:

            "full stack"
         "description":"Platform for BitTiger",
            "full stack"
         "description":"Crawer for wukong",

Category Property

category means the project category in the JSON file. Currently, only full stack, mobile and big data are supported in this field. If a project lists full stack as one of its categories, it will show up in the Full Stack project table. As suggested by the JSON array syntax, one project may have more than one category.

Stack Property

stack property means the project's technology stack. Each item in the array will be replaced by an icon in the table. The script generates html image tags <img>...</img> to embed those icons. For example, a nodejs.png will be embedded in the table if the stack property contains nodejs. However, all items inside the stack property should match the exsiting file names in the folder resource/icons.

Only following items are supported at this moment:

android angular aws big_data boostrap cordova css docker firebase flask github grunt html5 ios java javascript jquery meteor mongodb mysql nodejs python react reddis ruby_on_rails ruby spark spring_mvc tomcat windows


Project Markdown Table Generator makes use of the following open source projects or resource:


Code released under the MIT license.

Repository information

  • category: full stack
  • team: Fighting Falcon
  • description: Generate stylish markdown/html tables based JSON.
  • stack: nodejs, angular