Simple GUI NPC Bungeecord server selector
uses NpcSs/config.json for the NPC xyz Dynamic server display just add acending numbers to SERVER set NAME, IP, PORT, MATERIAL
example config:
[{"config":{ "SERVER1":{"NAME":"Anarchy","IP":"","PORT":"xxxxx","MATERIAL":"OBSIDIAN"}, "SERVER2":{"NAME":"EmeraldQuest","IP":"","PORT":"xxxxx","MATERIAL":"EMERALD"}, "SERVER3":{"NAME":"SatoshiQuest","IP":"","PORT":"xxxxx","MATERIAL":"GLOWSTONE"}, "SERVER4":{"NAME":"LbryQuest","IP":"","PORT":"xxxxx","MATERIAL":"SEA_LANTERN"}, "NPC_X":"13", "NPC_Z":"72", "NPC_Y":"10"}}]
for self compilation:
$ git clone
$ cd NPC-Server-Selector
$ mvn clean compile assembly:single
and jar would be found in target folder, place in servers plugins folder and then configure the config.json in NpcSs folder in plugins, if you have not ran plugin before you can create the folder and put config.json in it.