SURVIVOR ==================== A remake of HL2 SURVIVOR Ver2.0. This is the v2.0 source code. Upon request, this now includes Linux build scripts, so this now includes the same scripts used to compile FIREFIGHT RELOADED on Linux, although I haven't tested it. Compile instructions are below. ## Compiling ### WINDOWS: To be able to build SURVIVOR you will need to download: * Visual Studio 2013 or later * C++ Build Tools for Visual Studio 2013 (Not required if you already have Visual Studio 2013) * Multibyte MFC Library for Visual Studio 2013 Read this for more details: You must also run this command in your CMD with administrator privileges in order to get VPC to build a project: * REG ADD "HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\Projects\{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}" /v DefaultProjectExtension /t REG_SZ /d vcproj /f Note that the Microsoft Speech API is only required for certain SDK tools. Creating a solution is as simple as running mp/src/creategameprojects.bat, then opening up the solution in Visual Studio. ### LINUX: Read this first to install the steam runtime and other necessary components.\ \ After installing it and other dependencies, do the 3 steps below. 1. CD to your SURVIVOR git directory, I.E.\ ```cd ~/projects/survivor-source-sdk-2013-master``` 1. Run the steam-runtime. NOTE: Make sure you have the steam runtime installed in /valve.\ ```bash ./``` 3. Go back to this directory and run:\ ```bash ./```\ This will update the repo automatically. If you would like to update the repo without building it, run:\ ```bash ./``` Credits: ------------ Kolessios for the SourceBots source code used as the basis for the bots. ( RaraCerbFolf - Creating the 2-handed AR2 model and modifyng it to work with SURVIVOR, along with some viewmodel fixes. Biohazard_90 - Creator of the Source Shader Editor along with the Sunrays shader. sparrowstar - Depth of Field shader, as well as helping me implement the shaders. TF2 Classic team - Weapon ID functions and weapon randomizer function. Taito - Creators of Half-Life 2 Survivor Ver2.0. Valve - Creators of the Source Engine and Half-Life 2.
Source code for the SURVIVOR mod