
  • C950 Package Delivery System


  • The objective is to sucessfully deliver 40 packages in under 140 miles.
  • This application is setup as a basic CLI application using argparse.
  • All time values are expected to be in miliary time in HH:MM format.

General Usage:

  • To view the commands on can utilize the following: python3 main.py -h
  • This command displays the help menu for interacting with the application.

List all packages:

  • One can display ALL packages by using the python3 main.py -a command

See specific package details at specific time:

  • One can view a specific package, at a specific time using the commands -p and -t
  • For package ID and timestamp.
  • Example: python3 main.py -p 1 -t "08:00"

List all packages at a given time:

  • We can view where all the packages are within a given time range using the the flags -tr for time range.
  • Time is expected to be in format: HH:MM-HH:MM
  • python3 main.py -tr "09:00-10:00"