
a script i made to install MoneroOcean Xmrig on my android devices easier

Primary LanguageShell

Building and Running Monero Ocean's xmrig in Termux

This script automates the process of downloading and compiling Monero Ocean's version of xmrig. It performs the following steps:

  1. Updates and upgrades the system.
  2. Installs the wget package for downloading files.
  3. Downloads the xmrig source code from the Monero Ocean repository.
  4. Extracts the downloaded source code.
  5. Compiles xmrig with the necessary settings.
  6. Copies the compiled xmrig binary to the home directory.
  7. Creates a script called xmrigmoneroocean.sh in the home directory with the Monero Ocean configuration for running xmrig.
  8. Sets executable permissions for the xmrigmoneroocean.sh script.

This will update your Termux, download the xmrig source code, compile it, and create the xmrigmoneroocean.sh script in your home directory.

Customizing the Script

⚠️ IMPORTANT: Default Values and Timeout ⚠️

The script includes default values for the username, password, and number of mining threads. These default values are set by the script creator and may represent their own configurations. It's highly recommended to replace the default values with your own before running the script.

⏰ The script also has a timeout of 60 seconds for user input. If you don't provide any input within 60 seconds, the script will proceed with the default values. Make sure to respond to the prompts within the given time frame.

To customize the script, follow these steps:

  1. Download the script or open it in a text editor.
  2. Look for the prompts that ask for your username, password, and number of mining threads.
  3. Enter your desired values when prompted or leave the input blank to keep the default values.
  4. Save the changes to the script.
  5. Execute the script and it will use the provided values or defaults.

Release of Liability

By using this script, you acknowledge and agree to the following:

  1. The script is provided on an "as-is" basis, without any warranties or guarantees of any kind, express or implied.
  2. The script creator shall not be held responsible or liable for any misuse, damage, loss of data, or any other harm caused by the use of this script.
  3. You assume all responsibility and liability for the usage of this script.
  4. It is your sole responsibility to ensure that you have the necessary authorization and comply with all applicable laws and regulations before engaging in cryptocurrency mining.
  5. The script creator disclaims any and all liability for any actions, damages, or losses resulting from the use or misuse of this script.


  1. Open the Termux app on your Android device.
  2. Install git by running the command: pkg install git.
  3. Clone the repository by running: git clone https://github.com/Bitofsin/Termux-MoneroOcean-script.git.
  4. Change to the cloned directory: cd Termux-MoneroOcean-script.
  5. Make the script executable: chmod +x build_xmrig.sh.
  6. Run the script: ./build_xmrig.sh.
  7. Follow the prompts to enter your desired username, password, and number of mining threads.
  8. Once the script finishes executing, you can start mining by running ~/xmrigmoneroocean.sh.

Please ensure you have the necessary authorization and comply with all applicable laws and regulations before engaging in cryptocurrency mining.