
A curated list of resources around BitVM

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BitVM 💻 🪙 ⚡



A curated list of resources around BitVM


作者:Robin Linus

BitVM is a computing paradigm to express Turing-complete Bitcoin contracts. This requires no changes to the network’s consensus rules.

Committing to a large program in a Taproot address requires significant amounts of off-chain computation and communication, however the resulting on-chain footprint is minimal. As long as both parties collaborate, they can perform arbitrarily complex, stateful off-chain computation, without leaving any trace in the chain. On-chain execution is required only in case of a dispute.

Potential Use Case(潜在的使用案例)

  • Complex smart contracts
  • Prediction Markets
  • Privacy
  • Multisig
  • 2WP for sidechains



社群资源 - Telegram







Tech Overview(技术概览)

BitVM operates on a simple yet powerful architecture involving two principal actors: the Prover and the Verifier. The Prover is the party that initiates a computation or claim, essentially saying, “Here’s a program, and here’s what I assert it will do or produce.” The Verifier, on the other hand, is responsible for validating that claim. This dual-role system enables a level of checks and balances, ensuring that the computational results are both accurate and trustworthy.
BitVM在一个简单而强大的架构上运行,涉及两个主要角色:证明者(Prover)和验证者(Verifier)。证明者是发起计算或声明的一方,基本上是在说:“这是一个程序,这是我断言它将要做或产生的结果。” 另一方面,验证者负责验证这个声明。这种双重角色系统实现了一种检查与平衡,确保计算结果既准确又可信。

The ingenuity of BitVM lies in its handling of computational workloads. Unlike conventional blockchain operations, which put significant computational burdens on-chain, BitVM performs most of its complex calculations off-chain. This drastically reduces the amount of data that needs to be stored directly on the Bitcoin blockchain, enhancing efficiency and lowering costs. This off-chain methodology also provides greater speed and flexibility, as developers or users can run intricate programs or simulations without worrying about overwhelming the blockchain.

However, BitVM does employ on-chain verification when needed, especially in cases of disputes. Should the Verifier question the legitimacy of the Prover’s claim, the system will then refer to the unalterable, decentralised ledger of the Bitcoin blockchain to resolve the issue. This is accomplished through what are known as “Fraud Proofs.”

If the Prover’s claim turns out to be false, the Verifier can submit a concise fraud proof to the blockchain, thereby exposing the dishonesty. This not only settles the dispute but also maintains the overall integrity of the system. By integrating both off-chain computations and on-chain verifications, BitVM has struck a balance that offers both computational efficiency and robust security.

Optimistic Rollups are a Layer 2 scaling solution for blockchains that enable more efficient computation and data storage by performing most operations off-chain while maintaining the same level of security as on-chain transactions. The fundamental idea is to assume that all transactions are correct (“optimistic”) unless proven otherwise. Only if a dispute arises is the relevant data and computation published and verified on the main blockchain. This significantly reduces the amount of data that has to be stored on-chain, thereby freeing up space and lowering transaction fees.
乐观 Rollups 是区块链的 Layer 2 扩展解决方案,通过将大多数操作放在链外执行,从而实现更高效的计算和数据存储,同时保持与链上交易相同级别的安全性。其基本**是假设所有交易都是正确的(“乐观”),除非有证据证明相反。只有在发生争议时,相关数据和计算才会被发布并在主区块链上进行验证。这显著减少了需要存储在链上的数据量,从而释放空间并降低交易费用。

In BitVM, Optimistic Rollups can be particularly beneficial. Recall that BitVM primarily works with two parties: a Prover and a Verifier. Most of the computational work happens off-chain, reducing the amount of data that needs to be stored on the Bitcoin blockchain. When a transaction is initiated, BitVM can use Optimistic Rollups to bundle multiple off-chain transactions into a single on-chain transaction, further reducing the blockchain footprint.
在 BitVM 中,乐观 Rollups 可能特别有益。回顾一下,BitVM 主要涉及两方:证明者和验证者。大部分计算工作在链外进行,减少了需要存储在比特币区块链上的数据量。当一笔交易发起时,BitVM 可以使用乐观 Rollups 将多个链外交易捆绑成一个单一的链上交易,进一步减少了区块链的足迹。

Moreover, in the event of a dispute, BitVM’s use of fraud proofs dovetails well with the “challenge-response” system inherent in Optimistic Rollups. If the Prover makes a false claim, the Verifier can quickly expose the dishonesty by providing a succinct fraud proof. This fraud proof would then be scrutinised within the Optimistic Rollup framework, and if validated, the dishonest party would be penalised.
此外,在发生争议的情况下,BitVM 使用欺诈证明与乐观 Rollups 内在的“挑战-响应”系统非常契合。如果证明者提出了虚假的声明,验证者可以通过提供简明扼要的欺诈证明迅速揭露不诚实行为。然后,在乐观 Rollups 框架内对这一欺诈证明进行审查,如果验证通过,不诚实的一方将受到惩罚。