
A simple dating app written in Django; https://subtl-app.herokuapp.com/


A simple and straight to the point dating app.

Made with love in United States
forthebadge made-with-python




There are many dating apps out there, but the majority of them are out to make
money and not really help people find love. Online dating apps are purposely
designed to make it difficult for people to find a match. The longer a user
stays on the app, the more likely the app owner will make money. I made this
app because I want to help people find love and be happy; for me, that is
more important than making money.

How do most dating apps work?

Most dating apps play on the user's desire to find a beautiful match. Most people want
to be with someone who is attractive, rich, or both. Personality is not something that is emphasized on dating apps; it is mostly about appearances.

Rating System (Elo Rating System)

Most dating apps use some sort of rating system to determine how desirable a
person is. Each person has a score that is based on the number of likes and dislikes
they have received. The users with high scores are deemed to be more desirable
and in turn, are more likely to be used to entice others to stay in the app and pursue them.

The Elo rating system is a rating system that is used in some online dating apps
to determine the score of a given user. The rules are simple:
1. Each user start with a high score of some number.
2. Score increases when the user dislikes someone with a higher score
3. Score decreases when the user likes someone with a lower score

There are extra rules

1. Score decreases if the user only likes or dislikes every profile
2. Score increases the more often the user uses the app

How do dating apps make money?

There are three ways a free dating app can make money:

1. Advertisments
2. In app purchases
3. Selling users' personal information 

Most dating apps will combine these three methods to make money. The longer you
stay on the app, the more money they make.

Why online dating?

Most people meet their partners at school, work, or through a mutual friend.
If someone is not in school, doesn't work, or doesn't have friends will have a
a difficult time finding love. Even if someone is in school, has a job, and friends,
they might not be able to find love from those groups. Most who are against
online dating apps always suggest finding a hobby or a group of some sort and
hoping to find love through those connections. But this is not the case. One
shouldn't join a book or sports club to find love. Online dating allows people
to continue to live their lives the same way and still find love.

Want to help?

Join the server and tell me how you can help! This app is written in Django.
I am looking for help with the UI. Current UI is in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
I would like to have Flutter for the UI and Django-REST-Framework for the API.