
A bunch of svg files meant to be used in laserweb for making your own wooden chassis for awtrix.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


The current status of the project is work in progress - No prototype was built, no precise measurement was done. It is still in the beginning, but I keep you updated. Check out the roadmap!


Once upon a time I found this cool project called Awtrix by blueforcer, fell in love with it instantly, started buying parts and solder them together. The first plan was to 3D-print the chassis like it's mentioned in the documentation, but then the slicing program told me the biggest piece takes 20 hours to print... A guy in the makerspace I am building this thing said to me "Why do you want to waste mineral oil in plastic form if you can build your box with wood? We have a laser cutter btw." And I thought why not!

The plan

The plan is pretty simple: Cut multiple layers of 4mm wooden sheets, stack and combine them with glue, nuts and bolts. In the end you should have a nice clean wooden front and back and marbled sides because of the edges of the wooden pieces. The last step would be sandpaper and a nice varnish to finish things off - Everybody can print things!

The images/schematics can be found in the directory /svg.


  • 📝 Draw/generate the svg files
  • 🎛 Cut the first parts and tweak the parameters if needed
  • 🛠 Build the first prototype
  • 🖼 Upload fotos of the make
  • 📔 Create a nice documentation