
Stereo reconstruction pipeline for retrieving depth maps from multiple images. Technical University of Munich (3D Scanning and Motion Capture course))

Primary LanguageC++

Structure overview

Source code
The source code related to C++ implementation of pipeline can be found in src directory.

Evaluated results for every approach are stored in result directory.

Perceptuall loss
Python implementation for window search with perceptuall loss can be find either in perceptual_window_search directory or by this link Open In Colab

Setting up this project

Required packages:

  • Eigen v3.4
  • OpenCV
  • Ceres
  • SDK provided by the dataset

The dataset itself is already included in the repository and does not have to be downloaded separately.

  1. Download Eigen v3.4 from https://gitlab.com/libeigen/eigen/-/releases/3.4-rc1 and place Eigen folder (the folder name should be "eigen-3.4") under libs/
  2. Download and install opencv (Check https://docs.opencv.org/master/d7/d9f/tutorial_linux_install.html for full documentation)
  git clone https://github.com/opencv/opencv.git
  git -C opencv checkout master
  mkdir build && cd build
  cmake .. 
  sudo make install

OpenCV uses dynamic linking which means that some functions that depend on third party libraries might only fail during runtime. A quick hack if some kind of error occurs is to simply install all required dependencies using:

 sudo apt-get install libopencv-* 

After that, opencv has to be rebuilt and reinstalled.

  1. Ceres - Set up as described in tutorial for 3DSMC

  2. SDK The SDK includes dataloding functions and evaluation metrics. Please download the SDK here: https://vision.middlebury.edu/stereo/submit3/ Extract the zip and place the folder MiddEval3 under libs/. The data structure should now look like this: libs/MiddEval3/code/imageLib .

Deactivate the flag "" in MiddEval3/code/imageLib/ImageIO.cpp by commenting out the line:

  // in file: ImageIO.cpp

  // Comment out next line if you don't have the PNG library
  // #define HAVE_PNG_LIB 

Build the imageLib:

  cd libs/MiddEval3/code/imageLib

Clean your project, reload cmake and rebuild everything.

Data visualization

OpenCV does not support PFM files, so we can use CVKIT to display the disparity images. You can download it here: https://github.com/roboception/cvkit and make sure to follow the install instructions including third-party software.

  1. Displaying disparity image in greyscale:
 sv image.png 
  1. Displaying disparity image as 3D model:
 plyv image_disp.pfm