
Discord bot created with D#+

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Discord bot created in DSharpPlus. This repo is trash.



dotart - sends dotart on channel

embed - create custom embed

server_info - sends info about server

role_info - sends info about role

user_info - sends info about user

ping - sends info about current bot ping

clear - clears a specified number of messages

youtube - search video on youtube

Config (This section was terminated by bugs)

All of these starts with: config

botname - sets new bot name

verifyrole - sets verify role for guild

defalutrole - sets defalut role for every user

resetvalue - resets one of config values

copyrole - copy role with new name

getstat - gets list of users/roles/server stats

eventchannel - sets event channel for guild

welcomechannel - sets welcome channel for guild

current - shows current config

Trash (also unaviable now)

help - shows help with bot verify - verify user with role (if enabled) commands - shows list of commands


dev setactivity - sets activity of bot

dev client - resets one value of dev bot config

Console commands

help - shows list of commands

exit/close - shuts down bot and closes app

clear - clears console

client [restart/disconnect/connect] - restarst/disconnects/connects the bot

set - sets bot activity

list - shows list of all aviable activities