
Unpack the Warcraftlogs Electron application, remove ads, and repack app.asar

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Warcraftlogs Ad-remover script

How to use

  1. Either use the binary (found in the Github releases for this project) or make sure you have the latest NodeJS LTS installed. (https://nodejs.org/en/download/)
  2. Open a terminal in the directory of this file.


run npm install .

run node index.js

This will create a config.json file (if not present) you need to fill out with the path to the Warcraftlogs app.asar package. The standard value is the path for a system install, so if you do not use this it has to be modified.

After updating the config file, run the script again in the terminal:

run node index.js

The script will unpack the warcraftlogs app, modify it slightly to never show ads, and repack it into an app.asar file.

Replace the generated app.asar file with the one present in the path you gave in the config file