React Portfolio


Kryptik Dragon deployed site

KryptiK Dragon


Updated version of my porrfolio using React.js


When a User opens the page, the User will be presented with a landing page that consist of a Navbar, Hero Section, Cards Section, and a Footer. The Navbar and Footer is always present with every page that is rendered.

- Navbar
    - Online tag name
    - Home
        - When link is clicked display will render the homepage
    - About Me
        - When link is clicked diplay will render the About Me page
    - Portfolio
        - When link is clicked display will render a projects page that showcases 5 web/apps that has been created
        - when link is clicked display will render the Footer with contact information

- Hero Section
    - This section consist of my name and a picture that shows the expression of being open to a anything.  Explore text is displayed for a User to look around if they wish.

- Cards Section
    - Text signifying the User to feel free to look around
    - Five cards are displayed, About Me, Projects, and Miscellaneous all render separate pages.  Hobbies and Photos do not render anything and will be updated for future use.
        - About Me
        - Projects
        - Hobbies
        - Photos
        - Miscellaneous

- Footer Section
    - Contact information is displayed for a User to have access.  A Subscribe input and button is present, but does not render anything or save; section will be updated for future use.    

Technology used

  • React.js
  • React- Boostrap
  • Netlify

User Story

  • GIVEN a single-page application portfolio for a web developer
  • WHEN I load the portfolio
  • THEN I am presented with a page containing a header, a section for content, and a footer
  • WHEN I view the header
  • THEN I am presented with the developer's name and navigation with titles corresponding to different sections of the portfolio
  • WHEN I view the navigation titles
  • THEN I am presented with the titles About Me, Portfolio, Contact, and Resume, and the title corresponding to the current section is highlighted
  • WHEN I click on a navigation title
  • THEN I am presented with the corresponding section below the navigation without the page reloading and that title is highlighted
  • WHEN I load the portfolio the first time
  • THEN the About Me title and section are selected by default
  • WHEN I am presented with the About Me section
  • THEN I see a recent photo or avatar of the developer and a short bio about them
  • WHEN I am presented with the Portfolio section
  • THEN I see titled images of six of the developer’s applications with links to both the deployed applications and the corresponding GitHub repositories
  • WHEN I am presented with the Contact section
  • THEN I see a contact form with fields for a name, an email address, and a message
  • WHEN I move my cursor out of one of the form fields without entering text
  • THEN I receive a notification that this field is required
  • WHEN I enter text into the email address field
  • THEN I receive a notification if I have entered an invalid email address
  • WHEN I am presented with the Resume section
  • THEN I see a link to a downloadable resume and a list of the developer’s proficiencies
  • WHEN I view the footer
  • THEN I am presented with text or icon links to the developer’s GitHub and LinkedIn profiles, and - their profile on a third platform (Stack Overflow, Twitter)

Contact Info

please contact me at

This project was bootstrapped with [Create React App]( react- app).