

This code quiz was created for a quick snapshot of how much JavaScript knowledge you hold. The quiz is on a timer so you may or may not have enough time to look the answers up. Please enjoy as this coding quiz was made with tlc, as well as, frustration and total stubborness.


 img of code quiz

Technology used

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

Contact Information

please contact me at or

Road Map

html and css code was used from previous homework assignments

  • adjustments and refactoring were made to css to fit my individual style


    • When Page is rendered Code Quiz of JavaScript Trivia is displayed
    • User clicks the "Start Button"

    Global Variables are established - document querys - numbers - letters - arrays

    When the "Start Button" is pressed - Running timer will start with 50 seconds - Question Index will display with multiple choice questions - Question Index starts at 0 and cascades up to 7 questions total (0-6) - The choices the user makes for answers will be compared to the list of rightAnswers - score a point for right answers - will deduct time for wrong answers (deducted time is 7 seconds) - When answering all questions are complete - window prompt for entering initials - initials and score will be stored in localStorage - Window prompt compliance - initials will populate in the "View Score" block - score will populate in the "View Score" block - "Game Over" will display and an image of Game Over will pop up

    !citing of structure source and compare function added in comments on js page!