

  • As a user, I want to be able to view create and track daily workouts. I want to be able to log multiple exercises in a workout on a given day. I should also be able to track the name, type, weight, sets, reps, and duration of exercise. If the exercise is a cardio exercise, I should be able to track my distance traveled.


Workout-Tracker deployed site

 img of fitness tracker

Technology used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • Express.js
  • Heroku

Contact Info

please contact me at

User Story

  • As a user, I want to be able to view create and track daily workouts. I want to be able to log multiple exercises in a workout on a given day. I should also be able to track the name, type, weight, sets, reps, and duration of exercise. If the exercise is a cardio exercise, I should be able to track my distance traveled.


  • When a User opens the fit-tracker they will have a display of a nav-bar and card with options to create a new workout or continue a workout.

    • Nav-Bar

      • Fitness Tracker - will bring the User to the static front page with the last workout and all corresponding information for exercise performed.
      • Dashboard - will display a Workout Dashboard with a supplied information graph to show the progress throughout a specific day.
    • Fitness Tracker

      • Card - will display the last workout that was saved for a specfic day, workouts will save to the current day when selecting workouts
      • A User will have the option to creat a new workout or continue a workout that was previously saved.
        • New Workout - will prompt User to select a new workout
          • Exercise Type
            • Resistance

              • Exercise Name:
              • Weight in pounds lbs.:
              • Exercise sets:
              • Exercise reps:
              • Duration of Exercise in minutes:
            • Cardio

              • Cardio exercise name:
              • Distance in miles:
              • Duration of Exercist in minutes: