
Sample Playbook to create test instance of molecule on VMware environment

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License: MIT

Sample for create molecule test instance on VMware

This is a sample to create a test instance of molecule on VMware environment.
Samples for Linux and Windows are prepared.

How to create molecule test instance on VMware environment


To create a test instance required following.

  • vCenter Server
  • template vm
  • template vm snapshot

The reason required a snapshot is because test instances are created with a linked clone.

Run the sample

The sample this repository provides Linux (linux_ping) and Windows (win_ping) roles.
To run the sample, change the variable in the molecule.yml file.

os molecule.yml path
linux roles/linux_ping/molecule/default/molecule.yml
windows roles/win_ping/molecule/default/molecule.yml

Variables for Linux

  name: galaxy
  name: delegated
  hostname: vCenter IP or hostname        # Please change here to vCenter IP or hostname.
  username: administrator@vsphere.local   # Please change here to vCenter login username.
  password: password                      # Please change here to vCenter login user password.
  validate_certs: false
  datacenter: datacenter name             # Please change here to data center name to use
  esxi_hostname: esxi hostname            # Please change here to esxi hostname to use
  folder: folder path(ex: /vm)            # Please change here to folder path to save the linked clone.
  vm_username: username for guest os      # Please change here to user name created in the template.(ex: root)
  vm_password: password for guest os      # Please change here to user password in the template.
      connection: ssh
  name: yamllint
platforms:                                # Define an instance to use for role test.
  - name: instance                        # Please change here to instance name for test.
    template: template name               # Please change here to template name use in the linked clone.
    snapshot_src: snapshot for template   # Please change here to snapshot name of template use in linked clone.
    memory_mb: 2048                       # Please change here to memory size to use.
    cpus: 2                               # Please change here to CPU core count to use.
    network: VM network                   # Please change here to network name to use.
    datastore: datastore name             # Please change here to datastore name to use.
  name: ansible
  log: true
  name: testinfra
    name: flake8

Variables for Windows

  name: galaxy
  name: delegated
  hostname: vCenter IP or hostname        # Please change here to vCenter IP or hostname.
  username: administrator@vsphere.local   # Please change here to vCenter login username.
  password: password                      # Please change here to vCenter login user password.
  validate_certs: false
  datacenter: datacenter name             # Please change here to data center name to use
  esxi_hostname: esxi hostname            # Please change here to esxi hostname to use
  folder: folder path(ex: /vm)            # Please change here to folder path to save the linked clone.
  vm_username: username for guest os      # Please change here to user name created in the template.(ex: administrator)
  vm_password: password for guest os      # Please change here to user password in the template.
  connection: winrm
  port: 5986
  winrm_transport: ntlm
  winrm_server_cert_validation: ignore
  name: yamllint
platforms:                                # Define an instance to use for role test.
  - name: instance                        # Please change here to instance name for test.
    template: template name               # Please change here to template name use in the linked clone.
    snapshot_src: snapshot for template   # Please change here to snapshot name of template use in linked clone.
    memory_mb: 4096                       # Please change here to memory size to use.
    cpus: 2                               # Please change here to CPU core count to use.
    network: VM Network                   # Please change here to network name to use.
    datastore: datastore name             # Please change here to datastore name to use.
  name: ansible
    name: ansible-lint
  log: true
  name: testinfra
    name: flake8

When creating multiple test instances

Define multiple platforms as in the following example.

  - name: instance1
    template: template name
    snapshot_src: snapshot for template
    memory_mb: 2048
    cpus: 2
    network: VM Network
    datastore: datastore name
  - name: instance2
    template: template name
    snapshot_src: snapshot for template
    memory_mb: 2048
    cpus: 2
    network: VM Network
    datastore: datastore name


The following is demos when the sample is run.



How to use it for testing other roles

Test with other roles is easy. Copy each molecule directory to the role to be test.
It is roles/linux_ping/molecule/ for Linux and roles/win_ping/molecule for Windows.
After copying the directory, change the variable file and run the molecule test command.



Author Information

This samples was created by sky-joker.