
Perl scripts for dealing with FLAC files typically containing live concert recordings

Primary LanguagePerl

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 / _ \ __| '__/ _ \/ _ \_____/ __|/ __| '__| | '_ \| __/ __|
|  __/ |_| | |  __/  __/_____\__ \ (__| |  | | |_) | |_\__ \
 \___|\__|_|  \___|\___|     |___/\___|_|  |_| .__/ \__|___/
                                             |_| V3.2

Announcing release 3.2 of etree-scripts, a set of (mostly) Perl
scripts for lossless audio freaks who get busy on the command line.

Changes since version 3.1:

* Fixed problem when parsing track details having words like
  "stand", "matrix", and "turtle beach" where they were mistakenly
  identified as source information.

* Fixed error 'Modification of a read-only value attempted at
  /usr/bin/flacify line 241'.

* Flacify won't create 'ffp.txt' if it finds FLAC fingerprints in some
  other .txt or .ffp file.

Changes since version 3.0:

* Fixed bug in unshn where it reversed the arguments to the shorten

* Timestamp messages from flacify and shn2mp3.

Some important changes in version 3.0:

* Revamped parsing code.  The parser breaks up the info file first by
  paragraphs and identifies their content broadly before splitting and
  parsing things line-by-line.  The hope is that this leads to
  better quality parsing overall.  I am working on a
  Parse::RecDescent-based parser for the next major release.

* Much improved Cygwin support.  I use it myself now.  There is also a
  standalone Cygwin tar file that can be used to install etree-scripts
  and all prerequisites in a single step.  See INSTALL for more

* Major improvements to the "flacify" command:

  o Support for new FLAC 1.1 command line syntax (metaflac really)
  o Creates a file called ffp.txt in the output directory with the
    FLAC fingerprints for all files it has converted or tagged.
  o Renames .md5 files to .md5.orig
  o Automatically adds ReplayGain tags to FLAC files
  o Handles missing/unparseable info file gracefully

* The "shn2mp3" script will apply ReplayGain tags when extracting FLAC
  files, so resulting MP3s are normalized to 0db.

* Fixed a bug in the "cdfill" script where it could delete your
  original files.

* Scripts detect when running under ActiveState and abort.  Sorry, but
  AS Perl is too broken to work with these scripts.  Use Cygwin.

Dist File: http://bklyn.org/~cae/etree-scripts-3.1.tar.gz	 (*NIX)
	   http://bklyn.org/~cae/etree-scripts-3.1.cygwin.exe    (Cygwin)

Home Page: http://sf.net/projects/etree-scripts/

Apt-Get:   deb http://etree.org/debian unstable contrib
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  ___| |_ _ __ ___  ___ _   / /  / bt.etree.org
 / _ \ __| '__/ _ \/ _ (_) / / /   db.etree.org
|  __/ |_| | |  __/  __/_ / / /  wiki.etree.org
 \___|\__|_|  \___|\___(_)_/_/ forums.etree.org