
script doesn't work on firefox + suggestions

Aridow opened this issue · 6 comments

The script doesn't work on firefox for me. Well, it does for a few seconds then it disappears.

Also, here are some suggestions that I think would be good :

  • I think the "What's happening ?" part is too big compared to old layout
  • I think it would be great if we could middle click on trends to open them in a new tab
  • Is there a possibility to have the same photos layout than before ? example :
  • Lastly, it looks like all news tweets in TL are loaded at the same time in the new layout, without the messages "x news tweets"

I know there is many suggestions and this script is made to be a hybrid, but there is so many details that make this new layout less ergonomic... so I understand if these suggestions are not possible.

Thanks for your work !

The script doesn't work on firefox for me. Well, it does for a few seconds then it disappears.

For me, it doesn’t show at all after installing, I have to hard reload (Shift+Ctrl+R).
I think I forgot to mention that in my reply, sorry.

If that doesn’t help, then I’m not really sure what the issue is.
I’m on a fresh Firefox v76.0.1 and everything works fine :)

Turns out, this is a bit more complicated.

Navigate to about:config and set


to false.

related: Tampermonkey/tampermonkey#700

As for your suggestions, I’ll see what can be done.

  • "What's happening?" part is too big compared to old layout
  • trends should be anchors again
  • old photo layout
  • option to disable auto refresh

I think the photo layout is a bit out of reach, but maybe someone else wants to add that feature.

It seems the "What's happening" part became big again, for me (Firefox/Chrome).

Can you post a screenshot please?

Sure, here is a screenshot on Chrome with the script :

And without :

Ah, you're talking about this section. I thought you meant the trends, since they are named "What's happening" for some people as well, that confused me.
You're right, I'll change that right away.