PayPal-ULX Donation System

Primary LanguagePHP


PayPal-ULX Donation System

This is a collection of php based scripts which creates a Paypal donation system for use with the Garrysmod admin mod ULX.


Automatic Promotion to the correct ULX group upon successful payment. Provides a framework for custom donation systems without the use of LUA addons. E-mails buyers of successful payment & promotion or if the payment or promotion failed. Saves donator information to a MySQL database for future processing (eg creating a list of donators)


Add Steam Authentication to the index.php. Add proper support for other commands. Design a new configuration system (web based)

Author: William Robb E-mail: William_robb9(at)hotmail.com Website: www.wullysgamers.co.uk

Credits: PHP Paypal IPN Integration Class - Micah Carrick PHP Rcon Script - William Ruckman