
This is a PSD template for constructing mock ups for addon ideas


This is a PSD template for constructing mock ups for addon ideas

alt text

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Instructions :

I always find it best to create a new folder for the project screen I am working on and build from within it. You don’t have to use this in the same way, but it helps from accidentally overwriting a core element.

  1. Hide the Instructions folder of layers or remove them if you don’t need them.

  2. Create a new folder at the top of your layers panel and name it whatever page you are building.

  3. Create a duplicate of the Core Body folder and move it to your new page folder.

  • Click on the folder Core Body -> Duplicate Group -> Drag it into your new folder.

  • This will be your new page frame for this screen.

  1. The Elements folder contains a nested group of folders which contains most items needed in addon screens. You may need something custom, but this will do for most. You can see the elements available by opening the folder and browsing through the various elements.

  2. Once you find the element you need, duplicate that folder and modify it as needed.

Fonts Used :

  • Helvetica-Normal Regular
  • Monospac821 BT Roman
  • Arial Regular

Colors Used :

  • All colors were taken directly from the EE3 Addons screens CSS for accuracy.