Karaf fearture Apache POI libraries

Externsion to karaf which adds Apache POI bundles to karaf features.

To install some features features required. Please add the folloeing repository to your distribution (versions can be different, the tested versions are presented):


  • apache-poi3 3.13.1

  • apache-poi4 4.0.1_1

Feature dependencies

The dependencies are lazy, there is no direct version reference, only feature name, so to be able to install the consumer have to add the feature repo contains the missing reference.

digraph so {
    node[ shape = box, style=filled, color=lightblue, shadow_offset=7, shadow_blur=5 ];
    "apache-poi" -> "bouncycastle" [label="https://github.com/BlackBeltTechnology/karaf-features-bouncycastle 1.61.2"]
    "apache-poi" -> "apache-commons" [label="https://github.com/BlackBeltTechnology/karaf-features-apache-commons 1.0.5"]