
creates an empty cabal-based haskell project

Primary LanguageHaskell


This is a script that creates a new haskell project. The new project:

  • Uses cabal
  • Supports hpack (package.yaml)
  • Most language extensions are enabled
  • mtl, containers (and friends) are dependencies
  • Replaces Prelude with a MyPrelude sub-project, which is mostly identical to Prelude

Unlike stack this supports:

  • A custom prelude AND ghci simultaneously
  • Backpack
  • Nightly/modified versions ghc

Having the latest and greatest everything at my fingertips right now is way more important to me than having the project still compile if I come back to it half a year down the line.


git clone https://github.com/BlackCapCoder/boil
ln -s boil/build SOME_LOCATION_THAT_IS_IN_YOUR_PATH/boil

Create a new project

boil nameofproject
cd nameofproject


hpack; cabal new-build --allow-newer


cabal new-repl --allow-newer

Feature creep

Unlike most of my projects I ended up actually using this one!

I try to keep my Prelude lightweight and tidy, yet things that are more generally useful, or that I find myself reimplementing often, somehow end up in my Prelude!

Things that get in the way later I throw back out, or just not exported by default.