
Primary LanguageBrainfuck

I am trying to get into the habit of putting more stuff on Github because apparently companies like that, so I decided to post my collection of unfinished fucktoid projects.
These are mostly unfinished projects related to the Brainfuck programming language, and range from simple things I wrote on the train to kill time, to somewhat sophisticated compilers.

The most sophisticated of the projects may or may not be `bfcomp`, which is an optimizing brainfuck to c compiler. There are other projects that perform more higher level optimizations, like `[>]` to `memchr`, but this is the most well written one because I was experiminting with ways of representing optimizations rather than optimizing brainfuck code.

Another fun one is the `omega` project, which is a simple, turing-machine-like, brainfuck-inspired language that I tried to generate digits of Chaitin's constant for (a number that encodes the answer to the halting problem in its digits, thus allowing hyper-computation). I don't actually know if the language is turing complete, but it was fun to work on anyways.
I actually got pretty far before I conclusively proved that I had errors, probably because I manually edited the data file at times.

Most of the projects was written and edited incrementally while I was working with some data that I may also have processed in other ways, and they may or may not have enough code to actually generate the data from scratch. That's why I normally don't post these..