
A brainfuck interpreter written in java

Primary LanguageJava

Apparently there are people who willingly use Java, and so they teach me Java at school. I am going to have to deal with this for the next three years, so I might as well just take the carpal tunnel syndrome straight away and get used to it.

This is a full featured BrainFuck interpreter written in Java.

Mandatory BrainFuck tutorial

BrainFuck uses an array of bytes for memory. It also has a pointer that is initially pointing at the first memory cell. There is a total of 8 operations in BrainFuck:

Syntax Description
> Move the pointer one cell to the right
< Move the pointer one cell to the left
+ Add one to the memory cell under the pointer
- Subtract one from the memory cell under the pointer
. Read the memory cell under the pointer and print to STDOUT
, Read a single byte from STDIN and store it in memory cell under the pointer
[ If the memory cell under the pointer is 0, jump past the matching bracket
] If the memory cell under the pointer is not 0, jump to the matching bracket

All other characters are ignored.

BrainFuck is turing-complete, which means that it is capable of simulating life, the universe and everything. In fact, BrainFuck is turing complete with only two memory cells.

Example programs

This program prints the string "ABBA" to STDOUT

+++++ + Add 6 to cell 0

[             While not 0
  >             Move pointer to cell 1
  +++++ +++++ + Add 11 to cell 1
  <             Move pointer to cell 0
  -             Subtract one
]             End While

After the loop cell 0 will be 0
and cell 1 will be 66 (6*11) (uppercase B in ASCII)
The pointer is pointing at cell 0

>  Move pointer to cell 1
-  Subtract 1 (65 uppercase A)
.  Print A
+  Add 1
.. Print two B's
-  Subtract 1
.  Print A
Print all numbers between 0 and 9 separated by a newline
[ > ++++ 
  [ >+>+>++++<<<-]
  <- ]