This tool uses historical match results at KQ invitationals to calculate estimated skills for players, according to the TrueSkill algorithm. Goals include:

  • create a complete historical dataset for tournament play, with game wins/losses tracked for each player and team, and player names normalized across teams
  • this dataset is inteded for use by future projects to inform discussions on team balance, player development, and game analysis
  • as an example of analysis you can do with this dataset, calculate relative rankings of KQ players at current and historical times, including a numerical skill estimate and a confidence level


Use cases to explore
        - Trueskill can be used to provide a ranking for all players.
        - Current understanding is that Trueskill is really only valid as a snapshot at a point time.   
    Balancing teams 
        - How do you use trueskill to run a draft tournament?
    Tournament Predictions
        - Am I better than a bot at picking tournament placements?     

Questions about Trueskill and KQ
    How predictive is Trueskill for KQ?
        - Are there other ways to benchmark other than predictive power?                  
    What does improvement look like when you're tracking trueskill across tournaments? 
        - How much does a tournament change a player's trueskill?
    How much does including/excluding data affect predictiveness?
        - How much does the data from a group stage affect predictive power?
        - How much does local league night data improve the accuracy of rankings in tournaments?
        - How much does it change my ranking to exclude tournaments from back when I sucked
    How does changing the algorithm affect its performance? 
        - How does weighting the impact of queens vs drones affect predictiveness
        - How does messing with Beta
Current Priority: add all touramnet KO & Group stages from all KQ invitationals

Next: Review results, benchmark predictive power vs tournament resulst with log-liklihood

    - Model improvements

Project contents - Python object that builds a complete history from canonical player and match datasets, does some simple data validation, and runs trueskill on the matches

/datasets - scrubbed, canonical player and match results files for different tournaments.


  • - builds a match results files from challong with 'XXX' for errors that need scrubbing
  • - builds a player file for a tournmaent from a sanitized version of the team sheet

PlayerSkill.csv - Trueskill by player for the current set of tournaments. includes a snapshot of all trueskills after each tournament

Currently tracked tournaments

2016: ['GDC1', 'KQXV', 'BB1']
2017: ['GDC2', 'Coro17s', 'KQXX', 'Camp17', 'BB2', 'Coro17f']
2018: ['WC1', 'CC1', 'KQC2', 'GDC3', 'BnB2', 'MCS-MPLS', 'CBM2018', 'Coro18s', 'MCS-CHI', 'SS1', 'KQXXV', 'MCS_KC', 'MGF1', 'HH1', 'MCS-CBUS', 'BB3', 'CHA_HT', 'WH1']
2019: ['WC2', 'CC2', 'QGW19', 'KQC3', 'GDC4', 'BnB3', 'MAD420', 'Coro19', 'GFT', 'SS2', 'KQ30', 'HF19', 'Camp19', 'MGF2', 'ECC1', 'BBrawl4', 'DSM1', 'BB4', 'HH2']
2020: ['WH2', 'WC3', 'CC3', 'QGW20', 'KQC4']

If you'd like to see a tournament added to the list, send links to the teamsheet and challonge

Trueskill notes

Trueskill was built by Microsoft for matchmaking in Halo, which is, like KQ, a team game where team members change between games. It estimates skill for each player based on wins and losses. It also measures how statistically confident it is in its estimate so far.

A player's skill is represented as a normal distribution with mean mu (representing perceived skill) and a variance of sigma (representing how "unconfident" the system is in the player's mu value. This means that Trueskill is 95% confident that a player's true skill is at least mu - 2 * sigma.

All players start with mu = 25 and sigma = 25/3; mu always increases after a win and always decreases after a loss, and how much it changes depends on how surprising the result was, given the players involved. Unbalanced games, for example, don't affect percieved skill much when the favorite wins, but affects it more in an upset.

The best way to improve your 'trueskill' is to win a match between balanced teams.

Since game order matters in trueskill, we use the match time for all tournament games, and process them in historical order


Q: Are my old tournament performances from when I was new keeping my ratings low?

A: Very little, if at all. The algorithm assumes that your skill level is changing over time, and it takes a few dozen games to adjust to a new skill level, so within a tournament or two it will have you pegged at your current level, and the effects of older tournaments will fade.

Known Data Issues

Tournaments where we can't find the Team Sheet

Coronation 2015, 2016

Tournaments where we can't find the Challonge

Camp 2017 Groups, Camp 2019 Groups
Coronation 2017f/s groups
Mantis Mayhem - challonge error, following up with

Matches with missing data

None currently

Teams with missing players

BB1: Pure Storage, 
BB2: Free Agents, 
BB3: Warp World, BeeDeeOhNo, Show Me Your Boops, 
BnB3: High Key, Low Seed, Dregs of the Apiary, 
GDC1: Oprah WindFury (SF), Mo Honey Mo Problems (SF), Queenie Queen and the Berry Bunch (SF), Gunpowder and Cigarettes (SF), Team Pickup (SF), Frankenteam (Mixed), SPORTS (CHI), OPS (Founders), The Dollberries (SF), Wild Thornberries (NYC), The Bee Team (SF), PDX Hype Machine (PDX), Buzzkills (SF), Deadbees (SF), Golden Empire Phoenix (Mix), 
GDC2: Welcome to Stingapore, 
GDC3: Better than bots, 
KQXV: Fake Palidrones, Harambae Watch, 
KQXX: Kogan's Heroes, Garbage Snail Kids, 
MAD420: 4:35 blaze it...Sorry, traffic was crazy, 
MCS-CHI: Mad Chuck, 
MGF1: Y U Dumb Tho?, 
QGW19: 3 Dollar PBRs, 
WH2: Dwamn Ranch,