List of configuration files from WEB-INF and META-INF for use in Unvalidated Forwards and JSP Include vulnerabilities.
- 0xc0ffeeeMandiant/Google
- 0xz4ro
- 1lastBr3athKathmandu, Nepal
- abdilahrf@Hacker0x01
- andrewaeva
- AV1080pUSA
- bl4de@Adobe
- Bo0oM@ONsec-Lab @wallarm
- ccstuckChina
- CyconR7Indonesia
- danielwu182
- Dar3n1yAsia
- dhaval17Earth
- dyeat
- fix-you
- forlin
- GrrrDog
- hvvvva
- iw00tr00t
- l3m0nSyclover
- Lawrence-Deanz
- lcSouth Dakota, USA
- leverydChina Beijing
- manoelt
- mlcsecUK
- momenbaselmoamen@home:~#
- n1test
- neargleTencent
- notwhy暂无
- orangetwTaiwan
- rezaduty
- th3-alch3m1st
- thanatoskira
- Tom4t0
- udpsec
- unstabl3Funding Societies