
PHP class for creating a session on server side to an XMPP server。PHP类,服务端下创建XMPP Session会话。

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XMPP Prebind for PHP

This class is for prebinding a XMPP Session with PHP.


  • Clone the repo
  • In your file where you want to do the prebinding:

require_once 'lib' . DS .'XmppPrebind.php';
require_once 'lib' . DS . 'Log' . DS .'BaseLog.php';

$config = [
    'bosh_url'=> 'boshUri', // BOSH URL, eg: https://example.cn/http-bind/
    'domain'=>'jabberHost',  // XMPP server host, eg: example.cn
    'resource'=>'',      // Resource identifier, eg: web,pc,ios or worker, home
    'username'=>'',      // username
    'password'=>''       // password
$log = new BaseLog();

 * Comment here for explanation of the options.
 * Create a new XMPP Object with the required params
 * @param string $jabberHost Jabber Server Host
 * @param string $boshUri    Full URI to the http-bind
 * @param string $resource   Resource identifier
 * @param bool   $useSsl     Use SSL (not working yet, TODO)
 * @param BaseLog   $debug      Enable debug
$xmppPrebind = new XmppPrebind($config['domain'], $config['bosh_url'], $config['resource'], false, $log);
$xmppPrebind->connect($config['username'], $config['password']);
$sessionInfo = $xmppPrebind->getSessionInfo();   // array containing sid, rid and jid, like this: ['jid' => "test@example.cn/web",'sid' => "65rqhyrea8",'rid' => 1317120713]
  • If you use Candy, change the Candy.Core.Connect() line to the following:
Candy.Core.attach('<?php echo $sessionInfo['jid'] ?>', '<?php echo $sessionInfo['sid'] ?>', '<?php echo $sessionInfo['rid'] ?>');
  • You should now have a working prebinding with PHP

Recommend JSXC, A beautiful javascript XMPP client.


I had removed FirePHP class, because firebug was out, So you must implementent lib\Log\BaseLog class for debug info.

Other Languages

There exist other projects for other languages to support a prebind. Go googling :)

Be aware

This class is in no way feature complete. There may also be bugs. I'd appreciate it if you contribute or submit bug reports.


Append to

  1. XMPP Over BOSH: https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0206.html
  2. XMPP official document: https://xmpp.org/extensions