
Change all "2" functionality to From impls

Closed this issue · 1 comments

By this I mean functions like transform_2_bevy. Because the numbers 2 and 3 have significant connotations in glam (and by extent Bevy) with the dimensionality, I was confused about this function. The rust ecosystem already provides a trait for exactly this kind of conversion, namely From and the automatically implemented To, so I suggest we use this instead. If you are fine with this change, I volunteer to implement it and setup a PR :)

Hi there 👋 Thanks for creating this issue

Yes, this is a bit of an oversight on my part, I think I started trying to use From but ran into
impl From doesn't use only types from inside the current crate error
and couldn't get wrapping the type to work


Lines 83 to 92 in aae4ce3

impl From<dolly::transform::Transform<RightHanded>> for DollyTransformInto {
fn from(transform: dolly::transform::Transform<RightHanded>) -> Self {
let (translation, rotation) = transform.into_position_rotation();
DollyTransformInto(Transform {
translation: bevy::math::Vec3::new(translation.x, translation.y, translation.z),
rotation: bevy::math::Quat::from_xyzw(rotation.x, rotation.y, rotation.z, rotation.w),

You are very welcome to change it and create a PR <3